Sunday, May 08, 2005
About Me
- Name: Rachel Siegel
- Location: United States
I am a fun person to be around and get along with everyone. I was a competitive ice dancer for twelve years and gave it up for something I loved even more; baking. I graduated from Drexel with a degree in culinary arts and have found that baking and pastry is my passion. Someday in the future I hope to open my own bakery; a bakery where you can smell all the sweet treats a mile down the street :)
Previous Posts
- Back on-line!!
- Happy Mother's Day!!!
- Off to Connecticut
- T-R-O-U-B-L-E, Yep That's My Name
- Meet R.P.
- Skate, Skate, Skate, Skate, Skate
- Farewell
- Well, what have I been up to???
- Ummmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- June 2004
- July 2004
- August 2004
- September 2004
- October 2004
- November 2004
- December 2004
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
- April 2005
- May 2005
- December 2005
Crazy Sheep Knits
Debbieduck's Daily Quack

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