Sunday, January 23, 2005

Well, what have I been up to???

You know, I don't really know. I haven't had too much time to knit because I was sick and I have been skating a ton, with my new partner Jon. I would have post pictures of us skating, but my mom took them and she really didn't get pictures of our WHOLE bodies, just some of our arms flying around. It was pretty funny to see the pictures when we downloaded them. We really didn't think it was us. Hopefully, my dad will come to the rink and actually take pictures of bodies, for a change. I'm just kidding, I love my mom, but she really needs to learn how to use a camera.
Anyways, I hope to be knitting soon. My dad just finished these beautiful yarn storage cabinets for my mom, so today she filled them all up. Now she only has three rubbermaid containers in her closet. A lot better than the fourteen she had yesterday. I would go take a picture of them now, but I'm really tired.
We got almost two feet of snow yesterday and today, and we have been shoveling nonstop. I don't think the snow will ever go away. I just want it to be summer again. But I have to admit, playing in the snow is a lot of fun. No matter how hard you fall it doesn't hurt. I learned that today when Jon dropped me into a huge pile of snow. The snow was so deep that it came up to my hip and I couldn't find my leg. It was pretty fun though. Then the dog came out, but we had to dig a tunnel for him cause he wouldn't go to the bathroom in the snow. It was pretty funny. Then his feet got really cold and we had to carry him in the house. He was jumping around, trying not to put his feet on the ground. I felt really bad for him. I think he needs some snow boots. LOL!! Anyone have any good dog bootie patterns???
Oh well, I'll try to post some pictures soon.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Well, lets see, what have I been up to?

Ummmmm I've been knitting a lot. I just started a baby sweater out of Noro Kureyon in like an orangy colorway. It is really pretty. I think I want to make one for myself now so that I can keep myself warm. My dad insists that the house be kept at 67 degrees and I am freezing, plus being in a rink all the time doesn't help. So I'm sitting here in my dad's big, red acrylic sweater and with like three heavy blankets on me. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Anyways, my mom has started a mohair sweater for me and it is gorgeous. Of course I'm working on it when she is out. It is really easy to work with. I can't wait until it is done. I want to show it off to all of my friends at school. And I finally will be warm. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I'm off to do more homework. Midterms are coming up so of course teachers give a ton of homework. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I'll fit in some more knitting later. Who knows?

I'll post some pictures of the sweaters later.