
Happy Turkey Day

Ugh!!!!!!!!! My feet really, really hurt. I guess there allowed since I've been on them since 10 am, making tons and tons of Turkey Day treats. Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oreo Cheesecake, Pumpkin Pie, ummmmmmmmmmm, Key Lime Pie, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Pie, Lemon Squares. The house smells delicious. I can't wait to eat them all tomorrow.
See, I figure, I'll only eat a few appetizers and only a little turkey dinner, so I'll have room for desserts. Yeah right. I know as soon as I see all of the food tomorrow, I'll go nuts. What is strange is, that every year on Turkey Day, I feel like I eat a lot, but I'm never really stuffed. I think it is because we start eating at about noon and don't finish until about 5 or 6. Oh well. Hope everyone has a Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!