Monday, September 27, 2004
About Me
- Name: Rachel Siegel
- Location: United States
I am a fun person to be around and get along with everyone. I was a competitive ice dancer for twelve years and gave it up for something I loved even more; baking. I graduated from Drexel with a degree in culinary arts and have found that baking and pastry is my passion. Someday in the future I hope to open my own bakery; a bakery where you can smell all the sweet treats a mile down the street :)
Previous Posts
- Too Much Pre-Calc
- Kishka & My Medal
- Day 1
- Ok??????????????
- Writing like crazy
- Bored
- First Day
- Tomorrow
- I'm a Neutral Sheep
- I'm finally back
Crazy Sheep Knits
Debbieduck's Daily Quack

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Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
dear Rachel,
Happy Birthday to you....
and many more!
Love and smoochies,
Sandy Poodle
Happy Birthday, Rachel. I love you with all my heart, forever and ever. I can't believe how you have grown up and how incredibly lucky and proud I am to be your Mom.
Wuff, wuff, Love you lots. Your poodle brother, Kishka
Happy Birthday Ice Dancer
May you have many more and may they bring you joy and peace.
And a GREAT Partner.
The deliverer of stuffed animals
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