On Its Way

The Back is Done

Well, I finally finished the back of the tagliatelli tank, and I just cast-on the front. The colors are going to look great on me. I can't wait until it is done. I have a skating competition tomorrow, but after that I'm really going to work on it. Once I get done with the basic stockinette stitch, it goes pretty fast. It is just knitting for 10 inches straight that gets kinda boring.
Tuesday my mom and I are leaving for Lake Placid, for another skating competition. So I probably won't be on my blog for a week or two. It is an 8 hour drive, so I will have lots of time to knit. I think I will bring Campus too. I really need to start the front of that. I think there are at least a million bags of projects upstairs in the knitting room. Oh well, you have to have at least ten, right?????
Congratulations on doing so well in your competition! Wheeeee!
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